"Aging is an Endurance Sport... I'm just trying to keep up!"

"Aging is an Endurance Sport... I'm just trying to keep up!"
I am training for my first Olympic-distance triathlon: 1 mile swim; 25 mile bike; 6 mile run. This crazy adventure is a fundraiser to honor the endurance and courage of the seniors I work with at the Sno-Valley Senior Center.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

So much great news I had to make a list!

I am not even sure where to begin!

I now have a sponsor for my race! The Snoqualmie Valley Hospital District, a wonderful small rural hospital that serves our Valley, has offered a very generous sponsorship for my efforts. THANK YOU Snoqualmie Valley Hospital!

The article in the River Current News is finally online! Unfortunately a) tomorrow the new paper comes out, so it may be replaced, and b) you have to be a subscriber to see it. I will check with the publishers to see if they'll allow me to share it here. In the meantime, at least you can peek at the picture, and if you decide to subscribe, they'll pitch in $5 per subscription toward this race. Here's the pic featured in the article:

My goal is getting closer....and closer....and closer....I have $695 left to raise. Yup. $695. You all have been so incredibly generous. You have donated $2,805 toward supporting the health and wellbeing of seniors in the Snoqualmie Valley. Thank you thank you. I am humbled.

I am finally Finally FINALLY tapering. That means all my heavy lifting for training is over. I still need to get out there and keep it up, but at this point, as LunaChix Janet so aptly put it: all you'd do at this point is tire your body out and potentially injure yourself'. And she's doing a 1/2 iron this weekend, so I'm inclined to believe she knows what I'm talking about.

It is a bit unnerving to realize that whatever fitness tracks I've laid down before now, that's it. That's what I'll have in my pocket come race time. That, and the support of innumerable friends, supporters and donors at my back.

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