"Aging is an Endurance Sport... I'm just trying to keep up!"

"Aging is an Endurance Sport... I'm just trying to keep up!"
I am training for my first Olympic-distance triathlon: 1 mile swim; 25 mile bike; 6 mile run. This crazy adventure is a fundraiser to honor the endurance and courage of the seniors I work with at the Sno-Valley Senior Center.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ladies and Gents, it's time to rev your engine.

Oooph. Went for a run tonight, the first activity since my sluggish 'rest week...er, or two...and a half' after the ChelanMan race. Wow. I went slow. It was hard. And, even though I was just going for a quick, get the feet back in the game type run, I cut it even shorter. And then slowed down for a walk. And then stayed walking the rest of the way home.
It is truly amazing to me how quickly you can lose that lightness of feet feeling after not much activity. And encouraging each time how, with starting up again, it comes back.
Time to start up again!

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